Christine Egan Physical Therapy

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COVID-19 Precautions

Our Commitment to Patient Safety During the COVID-19 Pandemic

According to the World Health Organization, COVID-19 is extremely contagious and is believed to spread mainly from person-to-person contact. As a result, we are adjusting to the measured reopening protocols established by Marin County and California authorities. Read the current COVID-19 guidelines for Marin County.

Our offices are open with precautions. We see individuals one-to-one only, on a case-by-case basis, in order to limit exposure. No siblings can attend sessions and only one caretaker can be present. We and you will wear masks. We maintain a clean and safe office environment. Hand washing is a priority.

We also offer optional TeleMedicine sessions. Let Christine know, if you are interested.

It’s important to call our office if you are not feeling well. Contact Christine if you have any questions by email: Christine (at)

We are devoted to our core mission of providing essential health services for our patients when they need them. To deliver a healthy treatment experience for our patients and clinicians alike, we are:

• Requiring all physical therapists, patients, and staff to wear face masks or face coverings in clinics unless unable to medically tolerate one.
• Following the latest Centers for Disease Control guidelines, including frequent and thorough hand washing throughout the day.
• Sterilizing all clinic surfaces with medical-grade disinfectants.
• Screening all patients, clinicians and team members for potential Coronavirus (COVID-19) exposure.
• Adhering to recommended social-distance practices when not delivering hands-on care.
• Limiting the number of people in-clinic.


Additional measures may be necessary to protect your health in our clinics. If so, we will update our practices and policies immediately. With this shared commitment, we are confident we can continue delivering the same high level of care you’ve come to expect from us. Make sure you have the latest and most up-to-date information. Review the links below of other healthcare and government organizations:

In May, the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) published guidelines for outpatient PT clinics to follow while offering in-person visits during the COVID-19 pandemic. These guidelines describe several components of a safe PT appointment.

When you call to make your first appointment, we may interview you over the phone to ensure that you have had minimal chance of COVID-19 exposure.

Questions may include:

Have you left the country during the previous 14 days?
Have you traveled from your immediate area recently?
Have you been exposed to any person with a known diagnosis of COVID-19?
Do you have a dry cough, difficulty breathing, or body aches?
Are you experiencing a sudden and recent loss of taste or smell?
Are you feeling generally unwell?

Answering “yes” to any of these questions may cause us to discourage you from attending PT.

When entering the outpatient clinic, you should notice signage that indicates the clinic takes the threat of COVID-19 seriously. Signs should tell visitors and patients to wear face coverings, and there should be signs and indicators about social distancing. A lack of information or signs about COVID-19 may indicate that this particular clinic is not closely following protocols for minimizing COVID-19 risk.

Temperature check
When you arrive at the PT clinic, a therapist or assistant may take your temperature. Any sign of an elevated temperature may mean illness, and you may be asked to exit the clinic and self-quarantine.

Don’t be surprised to find that all physical therapists, assistants, and employees are wearing masks or face coverings in the PT clinic. This helps to decrease the amount of respiratory droplets from exiting one person’s mouth or nose and possibly infecting you or others around you.

Coronavirus: Dos and Don’ts of Face Masks for COVID-19
You likely will also be asked to wear a mask during your PT sessions. It may be uncomfortable wearing a mask while exercising and moving around, but the goal of minimizing unwanted exposure should be more important than some mild and temporary discomfort.

Waiting Areas
We have you wait in your car outside the clinic until your appointment time.

Equipment Cleaning
Don’t be surprised if your PT is running a little late for your appointments. Most PT clinics have upped the ante when it comes to cleaning and disinfecting equipment. We follow Centers for Disease Control (CDC) protocols for cleaning equipment. Every surface and piece of equipment should be cleaned and disinfected after each visit. To keep equipment as clean as possible, you may also be asked to wash your hands before your appointment.

If You’re Nervous About In-Person PT
A Teletherapy PT visit is an option if hands-on treatment is not absolutely necessary for your condition.

Here are some safety precautions to remember:

-wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
-use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap and water is not available
-people who are sick should always cover their coughs and sneezes using a tissue or the crook of their elbow; wash your hands after using a tissue to wipe your nose or mouth
-people who are sick should stay home from work, school or therapy sessions until they are well
-avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with your unwashed hands

More information about Coronavirus can be found on the CDC website.


Contact Info:
E: Christine (at)
Ph: 415-259-8626
Fax: 415-491-9734

Office Address:
64 Main St., #2 Rear,
Pt. San Quentin Village, CA 94964


Print out directions here
Google map here


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