Christine Egan Physical Therapy
Current Pediatric PT Team
Here are Christine’s associate physical therapists.
Carrie Southgate DPT
Carrie Southgate DPT Carrie received Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2002 from the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences. She attended Washington and Lee University and has a B.S. in Psychology with emphasis on child development. She is Spanish speaking.
Carrie’s many strengths include specialized training in using the Universal Exercise Unit and TheraSuit™. In 1998, she developed a Swim-with-the-Dolphins program in Miami, Florida. Her exposure to children with special needs and their families sparked her interest and brought her to Pediatric PT.
“Carrie has been a vital member of this practice since 2005. Her spark and vitality let you know immediately that in addition to being a fantastic physical therapist, Carrie makes therapy fun”.