Christine Egan Physical Therapy
Christine’s Pediatric Physical Therapy Blog
Lia: Her Fight for Sight
Lia was born with a rare genetic disorder – Usher Syndrome Type 1B. People with Usher1B are born deaf, without a functioning vestibular system and begin losing their vision as toddlers, eventually leading to blindness.
But there is hope. There are talented researchers who are working on treatments and cures that could save Lia’s vision and others like her. With the help of gene therapies scientists and researchers now have the ability to prevent inherited retinal diseases that lead to blindness, but we need your help. The only barrier to a cure is money – the science is there, but the funding is not. Please help get promising sight saving treatments into clinical trials by visiting
Lia was born with a rare genetic disorder – Usher Syndrome Type 1B. People with Usher1B are born deaf, without a functioning vestibular system and begin losing their vision as toddlers, eventually leading to blindness. As new parents we were devastated when she received this diagnosis at 3 months old. We are still struggling to comprehend the gravity of what we are facing as we try and raise our baby girl.
However, we do have hope. There are talented researchers who are working on treatments and cures that could save Lias vision and others like her. With the help of gene therapies scientists and researchers now have the ability to prevent inherited retinal diseases that lead to blindness, but we need your help. The ONLY barrier to a cure is money – the science is there, but the funding is not. Please help us get promising sight saving treatments into clinical trials by visiting the Save Sight Now website and consider giving a donation.
Thank you!